Nolan Vs. Selman — Part II

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The exciting conclusion of 14-year-old Matt Selman’s 1986-era A Prologue to the Dark Knight. Any similarities between this and 37-year-old Christopher Nolan’s 2008-era The Dark Knight are surely not coincidental.


Batman disregards Alfred’s warning, and is captured by the police while trying to kill the Joker. Enter Batman and Commissioner Gordon

GORDON: Well, “Old Friend,” you really have done it this time. I drew the line, and you stepped over it one time too many. Well, why did you do it? Why did you break the law you knew I made?
BATMAN: Not even your laws, oh high and mighty ones, are strong enough to overrule the unwritten laws that when a crime has been obviously committed, that you must punish the perpetrator of the act. I know I will be punished, but if I am punished for righting a wrong, who is the criminal, the punisher or the punished?
G: I don’t understand you. You break the law and your flaunt your deed, like you are proud of it. Well. I shall see that you are punished for your crime.
B: So be it. Now that you have caught me, why don’t you jail me? What more can you do to me then that?
G: I will do one thing more than that!
B: Then why so slow? Why not lock me up now and throw away the key? There is nothing more I have to say. All the people around us would say that my act was noble and just, but they are afraid of losing their jobs if they say so.
G: You are wrong. None of my officers think that.
B: Oh, but they do. But they are afraid to tell you.
G: You are not alone in your plight, but are you also unashamed?
B: You protect criminals and chastise heroes. You have flipped.
G: Take him away!

The Batman is release on a suspended sentence, as long as he retires from being the Batman.

I assume the final film will be credited: written by Matt Selman and Christopher & Jonathan Nolan, based on an original story by Matt Selman.