A New Age Dawns; Also, New Half-Blood Prince Trailer

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Today brings the dawning of what future blog historians will call the Second, or Silver, Age of Nerd World. We have transitioned to a new platform, WordPress, albeit ungracefully and unwillingly (apparently all the servers fell over on Friday, so they crash-upgraded, or crash-cross-graded depending  on how you feel about WordPress). Also, I just discovered that a “double espresso” is not in fact the largest espresso you can order at Starbucks — you can actually get one with four shots — don’t ask me why I didn’t already know this, it’s complicated. But the upshot is that I am more caffeinated than I have ever been in my entire life right now.

Also, Time’s Best Inventions issue is almost closed, so I’m actually allowed to leave my office for short periods of time, though only between the hours of 2 and 4 AM.

To celebrate the dawning of this new era, here is the new international trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:

(OK, WordPress is having issues with embedded video. Just click the damn link.)

Right at the end there you can see him about to go into his character from Extras:
