Naughty Bear Unleashes Hell on Hapless Teddys in New Trailer

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Summer is crazy. The heat makes people do unreasonable things. Take Naughty Bear for example. Dude doesn’t get invited to a party and suddenly it’s killin’ time.

[vodpod id=Video.3882845&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

While the game looks like a guilty pleasure, it struck me as to how it closely resembles a classic super-villain origin. Naughty’s like the teddy-bear equivalent of Doctor Doom or Lex Luthor: one off-day and the guy buys a one-way ticket to crazytown. Also, if you’re like me, you remember a time in the 80s when all the action cartoons were slowly replaced with treacly Care Bear-style shows that were essentially 30-minute commercials. Consider this game payback for all of that.

Naughty Bear’s out on June 29th. Woe betide any stuffed animals that forget that date.