Wield the Demon Poop Hammer This Week in DeathSpank

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What do you get when you combine the action-RPG elements of Diablo with the tongue –in-cheek comedy of the Lucasarts Monkey Island games? You get Deathspank, a downloadable adventure being released tomorrow on Xbox Live and hitting Playstation Network on Wednesday. Developed by Hothead Games and Ron Gilbert–the legendary designer who crafted those Monkey Island games and the classic Maniac Mansion–it lets players control a warrior named Deathspank as he searches for an ancient, mystical artifact. With a mind like Gilbert’s at the helm, Deathspank unspools a ton of funny amidst all of the questing and the looting and stuff. In the trailer above, you can get a taste of the humor waiting for you in the game. Speaking of taste, you’ll also find out the unique flavor of unicorn poop. So it’s educational, too.