Nook Comes to Android, Brings E-Lending with It

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Barnes & Noble created a solid contender for essential e-book status when they launched the Nook last year. More compelling the e-reader hardware is the breadth of the library they’re able to make available. It’s about one million books! Now, Android users will be able to access all of that literary goodness on the smartphone of their choice.

The Nook app lets you pick up where you left off in your reading, even if you switch devices. But the killer feature here is the LendMe feature which lets you loan out e-books for free to your friends. Seeing as how book lending is often cited as a sorely-missed real-life feature in e-books, Amazon and Apple may have a bit of catching up to do.

Nook for Android will run on Android OS 1.6 and above. Grab it on the Android Market.