Who Is the Greatest Star Wars Villain?

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The Star Wars saga is an epic battle between good and evil. But who is the baddest baddie of them all?

Darth Vader: Force choking is cool and all but it’s not that cool. Did he do anything else in the movies?

General Grievous: Grievous is a lot like Vader but he’s not as smart and that cough is downright obnoxious. His four-armed lightsaber attack is pretty wicked.

Emperor: Lightning shmightling, raisin face.

Tusken Raiders: Savages.

Darth Maul: He may be the only good thing about the latest trilogy.

Anakin Skywalker: “Dude, you already listed Darth Vader. They’re the same person, idiot!” Are they? Think about it for a minute. Who did more damage in the movies?

Jar Jar Binks: &$#@ @%*$#%)* #$5*)@)(*^)#$5 $&@)%(*^&#&@^%

Sarlacc: Have you seen Teeth?

Count Dooku: Lightning bolt, lightning bolt!

Boba Fett: ‘You killed my father!’

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