Night Of The Living Trekkies Book Trailer Is Bloody Fun

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Night Of The Living Trekkies ($10, Amazon), the latest release from publisher Quirk Books gives us zombies and Star Trek. I’m not sure I need explain much else, but because nothing snares my little zombie-lovin’ heart like a good “Holy shit, we’re trapped inside a convention center full of cosplaying zombies!” plot – well, I’ll wax a bit.

As we see in the trailer, the book sets up the usual: a zombie outbreak, fuzzy newscasts, overturned cars. (Seriously, never underestimate the undead’s quirky amusement with over turning vehicles. Note to zombie story creators: Things wouldn’t look this war torn in just a few days. Just saying.) And of course, cue the late comers to the Gulf Con, a rag tag band of nerdy misfits who have to fight their way out of the convention center using fanboy props and what they’ve learned from Romero and perhaps a few too many stints at Forest of the Doors.

The trailer is so much fun, I’m actually thinking of giving it a top slot in my “Places I’d like to be when the zombie apocalypse hits” list. (Formally: 1. Isolated island holding battle axe; 2. With Max Brooks) Some of the fanfare weapons may actually work in a pinch, as demonstrated here: (Yes, I absolutely spent two minutes attempting to get the perfect screen shot.)

Excellent. Now that the gore is on the wall, hopefully you’ll see the appeal. Don’t expect to be horrified, but every con-goer can map out their own mental exit strategy for future use. Hey, you never know.

(Also, unsolicited advice: Though screaming “Kahn!!!!!!” is totally necessary in any Star Trek-themed horror spoof, I’d like to point out that if you scream you’ll only attract more zombies. This goes for guns, too. Zombies may be dead, but they have ears. )