PS2 Classics Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Getting HD Re-Releases

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Ask anyone who owned a PS2 for a list of their favorite games for the system and it’s almost guaranteed that Ico and Shadow of the Colossus will be cited. Rumors were hot and heavy leading up to E3 that Sony would be unveiling a re-mastered collection of the beloved games by the Team Ico dev studio. Sony did something similar with the God of War Collection in advance of the release of God of War III. The upcoming PS3 title The Last Guardian is being built by Team Ico so a repeat of the strategy seemed to make sense. In fact, Peter and I named the Team Ico Collection as one of the things we were looking forward to in the run-up to the Electronic Entertainment Expo, so sure were we that it was going to happen.

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But E3 came and went with no mention of HD versions of Ico or Shadow of the Colossus. Still, hope sprang eternal–especially with listings on Wal-Mart and leaks of the box art fanning the flames. Now it looks like the hopes of fans are being answered, thanks to an article in storied Japanese gaming mag Famitsu. The text in the article seems to indiate that the re-issues have been confirmed but no specific release date’s been publicized yet. Here’s hoping we get to revisit Team Ico’s amazing work sooner rather than later.