Paycheck Friday: Purchasing Suggestions For Your Perusal

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It’s Friday! Maybe you just got paid. You could use that money for boring stuff like bills, rent, and food, or you could act like a wonderfully impulsive consumer and spend it on any number of products. Here are some ideas to get you started based on your taxable income bracket.

10% ($0 to $8,375)


Ignore the warning signs inherent with these $3.50 Instant Underpants! They come packed as a 2.5-inch pellet and must soak in water before you can wear them (wetness). The sizing is for "most children and small adults" (snugness). Also, don’t forget about the part about having to soak them in water (wetness, again).

[via Foolish Gadgets

15% ($8,375 to $34,000)

78941Snuggie? You’re way too rich for a lowly Snuggie now. Show everyone that you take the wearable blanket craze seriously with the $70 Wearable Electric Blanket.

Hint: Don’t try to save some money by electrifying your existing Snuggie—it WILL catch on fire. Those things are basically made of cellophane. I have two of them and the static they create should be studied in a lab somewhere.


25% ($34,000 to $82,400)


Woe is you (are you?). You love eating fluffy octopus balls but it’s not like you can just make your own fluffy octopus balls at home. Someone in Japan would need to invent the Takoyaki Maker Automatic Octopus Balls machine and sell it for $150. Mother of pearl, shipping is $84?! Those must be some delicious fluffy octopus balls.


28% ($82,400 to $171,850)


Luke Skywalker’s Yellow Ceremony Jacket and Medal ensemble costs $260. That’s for the jacket AND the medal. You don’t even have to save the galaxy. He hit a target the size of an apple from who knows how far away while going who knows how fast. You spent $260. Doesn’t seem fair.


33% ($171,850 to $373,650)


You’re getting wealthier by the day. You haven’t quite reached the upper crust of society yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start acting all crazy and Andy Kaufman-like when you have houseguests over. So while this weird half-chair, half-human piece of art bears no price tag, you probably have the resources to either make your own or buy it from its creator.


35% ($373,650 and up)


This life-size gingerbread house is completely edible and costs $15,000. But you don’t have kids! You have to eat, don’t you? They say a home is an investment you can live in. They also (will probably eventually) say an edible home is an investment you can live in and eat.

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