Prince of Persia Screenplay Released To Fans By Screenwriter and Creator Jordan Mechner

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Instead of having to troll the IMDB message boards and hope that someone will send you that screenplay instead of spam, screenwriter Jordan Mechner released his original screenplay for Prince of Persia: Sands of Time so you can see firsthand how much things change from the original script to the shooting draft. We spoke to Merchner a while back on his role in the film and about creating the whole game in general.

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The screenplay, which was written in 2005, went through four other writers until it was deemed ready for shooting. (Merchner assures readers that that is normal.) They finally started production when the final draft was finished in 2008. And you’re wondering why it’s taking so long to get The Hobbit greenlit…

Do you like the changes they made or is sometimes the first draft the best draft?

More on Techland:

An Oasis in Time: Techland Reviews Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Prince of Persia Review: Our Gaming Geek and Movie Geek Debate