Paycheck Friday! Purchasing Suggestions for Your Perusal

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35% ($379,150 and up)


Batmobile Limo: Who cares? Buy it!

Sir or madam—may I call you sir or madam?—I assume you enjoy limousine travel as your main source of transportation, yes? Well what if I told you that instead of traveling in a standard limousine, you could be tooling around town in a limousine that looked like the Batmobile?!

Your immense income commands respect on its own, but nothing commands respect like a Batmobile limousine. It’s really something else. Look at the guy in the above picture. Do you think he’s saying to himself, “Oh. There’s another Batmobile limo. How superfluous,” or do you think he’s wishing his high school girlfriend could see him now? Sure, it’s not his limo but boy, oh, boy is he standing really close to it.


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