
How to Fix RIM: A Twitter Symposium

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Over on Twitter, I asked my followers to provide their best advice on the operating-system strategy which RIM (which just delayed BlackBerry 10 until 2013) should adopt moving forward. “Dump BlackBerry 10 for Windows Phone” seems to be the most popular option…

  1. harrymccracken
    Your assignment, in 140 characters or less: Should RIM abandon BlackBerry 10 for some other OS? If so, which one, and why?
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:17:15
  2. horizonpr1
    @harrymccracken their only prayer: integrate BBM in Windows Phone 8, add their Enterprise-level data controls & license to MSFT 4 royalties.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 15:05:59
  3. WaltFrench
    @harrymccracken Yes, Symbian would tell RIMers that bizarre mgmt was their problem—not their huge but inadequate efforts w/QNX etc. Comfort.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 13:32:20
  4. HarryMyhre
    @harrymccracken only two choices – android or windows phone. I doubt apple would be interested.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 13:03:55
  5. VanceMc14
    @harrymccracken Yes, and there is only one option, since Apple will never license and WP is too far behind the curve (frying pan to fryer).
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 13:02:37
  6. kevlong
    @harrymccracken All of them. RIM is well positioned to be a leader in MDM. Utilize existing back end, new clients for all platforms.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:51:17
  7. GrumpusNation
    @harrymccracken Whatever remains of WebOS has more good will than BB10, & would allow a distinctive device, not an “also” Android or WP.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:49:28
  8. Stanitarium
    @harrymccracken – RIM should abandon OSes and hardware, period, and focus on offering a killer messaging product for the other platforms.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:48:55
  9. BigNickProd89
    @harrymccracken they should! Windows, it is the only decent OS for Bussiness users
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:46:20
  10. HuntHenning
    @harrymccracken Go with Windows Phone & be the Nokia, but for business. Provide excellent phones w/keyboards & ports their BB apps over
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:41:50
  11. mbrit
    @harrymccracken Yes. Android. Easier to craft a secure comms stack for niche security market.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:33:59
  12. geek
    @harrymccracken RIM should abandon making phones. Concentrate on business services through Android/iOS/WP7
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:30:04
  13. geek
    @harrymccracken I think they’ve shown their HW design skills aren’t up to modern Apple/Samsung/HTC/Nokia standards.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:29:29
  14. samirb
    @harrymccracken yes. For windows. Always felt RIM made durable hardware with great battery life and security.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:26:01
  15. kpedraja
    .@harrymccracken Yes. Windows Mobile. Because Microsoft will make it worth their while and BB would be less of a commodity.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:24:12
  16. a_d_mackenzie
    @harrymccracken #rim are hosed either way. A change of OS would imply a strategy change overall, so they should continue and crank our BB10
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:22:09
  17. tarungangwani
    @harrymccracken RIM share won’t be able to scale back to MSFT levels, so they should partner up with WP8 to survive. Play nice with Yammer.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:20:16
  18. chartier
    @harrymccracken Windows Phone 7/8. Much better chance of corp adoption, RIM’s only audience still desperately clinging
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:20:04
  19. C_Goscinski
    @harrymccracken Yes. WP 8. Enterprise can continue to rely on OS tech while MSFT has (more) choices for hardware.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:19:05
  20. johanejohansson
    @harrymccracken They should be “the one with great keyboard and smaller touchscreen” for Windows Phone AND Android.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:18:48
  21. phonewisdom
    @harrymccracken If RIM abandoned BB10 for another OS, it’d take even more time for them to push it out. Seems a little too late in the game.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:18:40
  22. fmanjoo
    @harrymccracken Yes. Windows. Because it’s better than Android, and there’s nothing else.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:18:21
  23. jlgolson
    @fmanjoo @harrymccracken Agreed. Plus Microsoft has lots of money to invest in partners and the OS.
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:18:42