Finally: DVDs That Smell Like Pizza After You’re Done Watching Them

Innovation as we know it has reached its apex.

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Tell you what: Why doesn’t everyone take the rest of the week off (take Monday off, too, if you’re not American) and let’s all meet back here on Tuesday.

Why? Because innovation as we know it has reached its apex.

There’s no sense in trying to outdo DVD rentals with magical, odorous ink that heats up as the disc is spinning and smells like pizza when all is said and done. Oh, and the ink also turns into an ad for Domino’s. Domino’s sells pizza. It’s not good pizza, but it’s pizza.

So how does such a mind-bending miracle of advertising work?

According to AdAge:

In partnership with 10 video rental stores in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the brand used rented DVDs as media. About 10 discs each of 10 different new release titles such as Argo, 007, Dread And Dark Knight were stamped with thermal ink and flavored varnish, both sensitive to the heat.

While people were watching the movie, the heat of the DVD player affected the disc. When the movie ended and they ejected the disc, they smelled pizza. They also saw pizza: the discs were printed to look like mini pies, and carried the message: “Did you enjoy the movie? The next one will be even better with a hot and delicious Domino’s Pizza.”

If there’s a problem with this concept, it’s that it’ll make you want pizza after you’re done watching a movie, which is not a sensation common to our evolutionary makeup. The whole point of a rented movie is that you can push food into your face for an hour and a half while using your own torso as a plate. Pizza afterwards would just be gluttonous. (To be fair, this advertising stunt recommends ordering pizza for consumption with your next rented movie.)

Another minor quibble: DVDs. They’re just not that cool anymore. HOWEVER, what better way to rekindle people’s interest in DVDs than a rentable DVD that turned into an actual personal pizza during the previews so that you could eat it while you’re watching the movie? This is what we should all be working on when we reconvene on Tuesday.

A DVD That Smells Like Domino’s Pizza [ via DVICE]