
Mac Malware’s Back, Threatens to Bring Friends

Like a horror movie intruder who cuts the phone lines, a new strain of Mac malware can prevent the system from getting help.

Researchers at security firm F-Secure discovered the new Mac trojan, dubbed Trojan-Downloader:OSX/Flashback.C. Like most other Mac malware, this variant masquerades as legitimate software–in this case, Adobe …

Microsoft ‘Accidentally’ Deleting Google Chrome from Windows

Oh no they didn’t (but oh yes they did): Microsoft’s antiviral software’s been “accidentally” wiping Google Chrome off the face of the map, or at least from the hard drives of several users’ Windows-based computers.

The trouble stems from a bug in the company’s antiviral security suite, an inconspicuous slice of software dubbed

Google Can Detect if Your Computer Is Infected and Help You Fix It

Malware! Huah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing—unless you’re trying to profit by infecting people’s computers with malware, in which case you’re acting jerk-ily. Good news/bad news, though: Google can now detect certain types on malware on your computer and help you fix it.

It’s good news for people who want to know when …

PSA: No Matter What Your E-mail Says, There Is No iPhone 5

If you get an e-mail with this title…

Finally. The amazing iPhone 5. Now available in black edition.

…don’t bother opening it. In fact, don’t open it even if you’re curious.

An e-mail purporting to be from Apple and showcasing the non-existent iPhone 5 has started making the rounds, and it does little more than try to trick …

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