
How to Sign Your Name Inside a Word Document

I review many, many products. And of those many, many products, many (though not many, many) require that I sign some sort of document saying that I won’t steal, damage or forget to return the product in question.

When I get one of these forms from a PR person, it’s almost always a Word document and I’m almost always asked to print it …

Will Microsoft Office Eventually Include Facebook Chat?

Could it be true that Microsoft plans to launch its next version of Office with Facebook chat? It’s possible. According to a job posting found by ZDNet, Microsoft might have its sights set that way.

The next version of Microsoft’s office suite is Office 15, and no one is quite sure if it’ll find its way bundled with the next …

Microsoft Office Filled With Alarm Left on Sidewalk, Hilarity Ensues

If you saw a copy of Microsoft Office sitting unattended in a public area, what would you do? I’d think to myself, “Hey I use Google Docs, but Microsoft Office is expensive! I wonder where the rightful owner is. I’ll call Microsoft’s tech support hotline to ask them how to return it to said rightful owner and if they have no idea …

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