series finale

Chuck Ep. 3.18/19: Down In A Blaze Of Glory

Secrets revealed, enemies defeated and the status quo (literally) exploded – Last night’s Chuck on NBC showed Lost how to really do a series finale. It’s almost a shame that it’s continuing next year, really.

Last night’s double bill of “Chuck Vs. The Subway” and “Chuck Vs. The Ring, Part II” managed to bring every plot thread of the …

10 Ways LOST Shouldn’t End

As Sunday night’s series finale creeps closer, everyone and their mother, step-cousin and pet parakeet are speculating about the show’s final moments. What is his real name? Who will she end up with? Where on Earth is Vincent?

(More on Techland: All of LOST in 108 Seconds)

We’ve been guessing with the rest, but we’ve also come to …