Cool iPhone app of the day: Simplify Music 2.0. Download it to your iPhone ($2.99—worth it!) and then go to Simplify Media‘s website, register and download the software for Mac, PC or Linux. Now you can stream all your tunes to your iPhone, wherever you are. Doesn’t matter if you’re on Wifi, 3G or pokey old Edge: it works.
I just drove down to Hayward, 45 miles from my house near San Francisco. Pathetically (perhaps?) I listened to that Grateful Dead concert, which the NYT says is arguably the best ever, recorded at Cornell in 1977. I got a consistent, high-quality stream the whole way there and back—maybe two drops, each for a couple of seconds. Among other things, what’s cool about this is I can clear a bunch of music stored on my iPhone and free up more space for games like Flight Control, which, by the way, had a lovely upgrade today, too.