As if Panasonic and Olympus’s Micro 4/3 format wasn’t enough, Samsung’s highly rumored NX-series digital camera was officially unveiled today. The NX10 features a 3-inch AMOLED display and a 14.6-megapixel APS-C size CMOS sensor. It even shoots HD video – be it 720p (H.264) – and an “ultra fast AF speed with the higher precision of contrast AF” thanks to Samsung’s new DRIMe II Pro engine.
Little else is known about the NX10 but we’ll be sure to get a hands-on with it at CES this week. Oh, it weighs 0.78 lbs sans battery and memory card (and I’m assuming lens). It appears to be quite compact with the following dimensions: 4.8” x 3.4” x 1.6”.