Thursday, February 18, 2010
Today in Techland: Fiasco! If you were looking for us earlier, you may have noticed that we were nowhere to be found. Let’s set the record straight: We were just trying on our invisibility cloak. It worked, swimmingly.
Anywho, today we saw three new execs named to head DC Entertainment: Jim Lee, Dan DiDio and Geoff Johns. Don’t know what to think? Douglas offers his thoughts on the promotions, so rest assured. Meanwhile, Steve is getting cozy for a nice showing of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers in the Screening Room and I’m revved up about Steven Spielberg’s triumphant return to the world of sci-fi on the small screen.
Oh, and Peter is giving away a copy of Bio Shock 2. Want it? Of course you do. So pick a number between 0 and one million.
Here’s what else is going on in nerd news around the Web:
Want to be a famous dork? Then you might be Joss Whedon’s man or woman. Rumor has it that Whedon has teamed with director Morgan Spurlock to create a documentary about Comic Con’s legion of super fans. E! says he’s searching for three as we speak. (Hey Joss, over here!)
It’s like Apple is planning to drive the knife in and then twist it: Watch your back, Kindle. Anonymous sources in the know told the NYT today that prices for Apple’s e-books might not be as high as previously suggested. New book prices would hover around the $12.99 to $14.99 mark, while others could shrink as low as $9.99 – the original price for Amazon’s e-books for the Kindle. The news comes just days after complaints about price jacks for some e-books sold on Amazon have surfaced.
Prince not-so-charming? According to the Daily Mail, the top two features women desire in their “perfect guy” are: 1. Facial stubble, and 2. Nerdiness. The research was conducted by Hmm…
Ladies, meet our fearless leader, @ThePeterHa.
He likes long walks on the beach, has a pseudo-beard and is a bona fide nerd; AKA The Perfect Guy.
Eek: Warners Home Video, in collaboration with Turner Classic Movies, have released some sci-fi “classics” on DVD: World Without End (1956), Satellite In The Sky (1956), The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms (1953), and Them! (1954).
Recent Activity: has updated its status to Married to iFanboy: True story. Digital content delivery system announced that is has acquired comic site iFanboy. Check out The Beat for the deets.
It’s. So. Cute. Introducing Buttercup, the latest Toy Story 3 character to be unveiled today. Apparently, the cutesy unicorn will be voiced by Jeff Garlin, the Captain from Wall-E.
I love him.
Got a account? StarCraft ll: Wings of Liberty is in beta, kids. According to Kotaku, invitations have been sent to thousands of gamers through their accounts. Happy gaming, lucky ones.
Spider-Man 4 News, or Blah, blah, blah, blah: According to, King of the World James Cameron will sit down with Spidey’s latest victim, director Marc Webb. We all know that Cameron had an interest in bringing his own version of Spider-Man to the silver screen way back when, and now that Spidey 4 is in talks for 3D, Cameron is set to dispense his advice to Webb on how to shoot for 3D.
Your Daily Dinosaur:
B-List Fairy Tales … With Gore: If this is the description of your perfect Saturday night, you’re in luck. Syfy is rolling out a series of sci-fi fairy tales retold with a bloody twist. Beauty and the Beast: A Dark Tale debuts Saturday, Feb. 27 at 9 p.m., with Hansel and Gretel, Sinbad, Aladdin and Little Red Riding Hood coming in following weeks.
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