Monday, April 5, 2010
Today in Techland: Peter got mail from Iron Man. (No, really.) Doug prepped for baseball season. (You’ve got to see these baseball gizmos.) And me, I spent all day re-watching Red Letter Media’s scathing review of Attack of the Clones. Hilarious. But just in case that’s not enough …
Here’s what else is going on in nerd news around the Web:
WTF, George Lucas?: According the The Hollywood Repoter, Lucas is prepping to rape the Star Wars franchise again by turning it into a … comedy series. (WHAT?) Lucas is teaming with Seth Green (Austin Powers) who said this to explain himself:
“The ‘Star Wars’ universe is so dense and rich; it’s crazy to think that there aren’t normal, mundane everyday problems in a world so well-defined. And it’s even crazier to think of what those problems might be, since it’s all set in a galaxy far, far away. What do these characters do when they’re not overthrowing Empires?”
Yeah, I’m sure Chewy’s stand up is downright knee-slappin’… Gee, if only some brilliant comedian had produced an amazing Star Wars-esque comdey in the 80s. (SPACEBALLS!) Then we might be saved from this. (SPACEBALLS!) Hmm. No, nothing comes to mind… (SPACEBALLS!)
Multitasking?: Apple is holding a special event on April 8th to reveal iPhone OS 4.0. We’re crossing our fingers that they’ll be announcing a ton of features we’ve been asking for over the last few years.
It’s Time To Share: Microsoft is holding a super secret event on April 12th in San Francisco. What could it be? Courier? Pink?
Nerdy Want:
(via The Daily What)
Want more than 700 free sci-fi books? They’re yours if you’ve got an iPhone. The app, from Spreadsong, includes classics like H.G. Wells to more modern science fiction and yep, they’re all free. Downside: You’ve got to read a book on your iPhone. Available on iTunes.
Inevitable, but is it enough? San Diego announced plans to spend $753 million to expand the convention center in order to keep some of the city’s larger conventions happy. (See: Comic Con) This year’s con has already sold out, and though we’re glad the convention will likely stay put due to the expansion, we want to know what they’re doing to fix the terrible hotel system. Will it get worse with more attendees? Ick.
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