Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Whips It Good

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One thing I definitely didn’t like about Lords of Shadow was the lack of camera control. Now, God of War doesn’t have a player-controlled camera but it at least uses the right analog stick for dodging. Nothing like that was in Lords of Shadow when I played, but it’s possible the right stick might get used for something later on.

The two hours I spent with the game were clearly just the tip of a very big iceberg, but I can say that there’s enough style–some of it borrowed–and action to make me curious about the rest of the game. With lots of tense silences and weighty issues driving the character interactions, the stamp of Kojima Productions is readily visible, too. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow comes out on October 5th so we’ll all get the chance to see whether it’s a heavenly or a hellish journey into 3D for the latest Belmont adventure.

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