Warner Bros. has announced that next Spring will see the release of an animated movie based on Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s All Star Superman, with Desperate Housewives‘ James Denton in the title role, Mad Men‘s Christina Hendricks as Lois Lane and, almost as excitingly, Ed Asner as Perry White. Being an almost-unreasonably large fan of the original comic – Although I don’t think that I’m the only person who thinks that it was the best Superman story in decades, thankfully – I’m slightly nervous to see how the eventual DVD will truncate Morrison’s tightly-written yearlong series to fit its running time, but only slightly; comics and animation veteran Dwayne McDuffie is handling the script, which means it’ll be in good hands.
(This seems almost deja vu; McDuffie wrote the script for the animated Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths DVD, which drew from Morrison and Quitely’s JLA: Earth 2 graphic novel, as well as the original “Crisis On Earth 1/Crisis On Earth 2” two-part story from the 1960s comic.)
One of the (many) inspirations for both All Star Superman and the DC Universe animated DVD series to which this new movie will belong is the Superman series of cartoons created by the Fleischer Studios between 1941 and 1943. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can watch those cartoons here, and wet your appetite for next year’s debut of All Star Superman: the animated movie.
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