Engadget swears up and down that “the picture above is in fact the PlayStation Phone you’ve long been waiting for.”
If it’s real, the Sony Ericsson-made phone is said to likely run the next major version of Android (3.0), sport a 1GHz processor, multitouch touchpad, and feature direct downloads of PSP games just like the PSP Go does.
This thing could basically kill of the PSP Go altogether, and may very well be the rumored PSP2 that Evan reported back in August.
The timing is certainly right, as Sony just dropped the PSP Go’s price from $250 to $200. The company would theoretically be able to sell a subsidized Android handset that does all the PSP Go can do, plus a whole lot more, for around $200 as well.
A release date for the rumored phone is unknown. Android 3.0 isn’t supposed to be available until later this year or early next year, so a holiday release is probably pretty unlikely but Sony could very well roll the phone out at the Consumer Electronics Show in early January.
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