App of the Week: WordPress for Windows Phone 7

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Windows Phone 7 owners who run WordPress blogs now have an official app for their phones. The free WordPress for Windows Phone 7 works with both and self-hosted accounts, providing quick access to posts, comments and stats.

Post creation provides basic features such as rich text formatting, media uploads, and category and tag functions. It’ll work for short posts while you’re on the go but owners of more heavily trafficked sites will likely find themselves using the app to moderate comments, check stats and make quick edits to existing posts more than anything.

Clicking on an existing post’s title gives you the option of viewing the post in Internet Explorer, viewing comments left on the post, editing the post or deleting the post altogether.

Media uploads are restricted to photos, so adding short video and audio clips isn’t an option unfortunately, but for quick posts, updates and stat checks, the WordPress app is a must-download for Windows Phone 7 owners who use the WordPress platform to run their own blogs.

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