It’s taken a few months longer than expected – not to mention a couple of missed deadlines – but Netflix has finally made it to Boxee. Yesterday, the New York-based start-up added its much-anticipated, long-delayed Netflix app to the Boxee Box, with CEO Avner Ronen making the official announcement on the company blog:
Netflix support was the most common request we had on our blog comments, forum posts, tweets, etc. We heard you loud and clear. We were bummed that we could not make it happen earlier, but are very excited to have it out today.
There’s a catch, of course; the app requires a manual firmware update that includes a security model that may disable other third-party apps on the device, a workaround to the problem that delayed an earlier release. According to Ronen, however, most other app developers are onboard with a fix already.
The Netflix app is just one of a number of expected additions to the Boxee Box; also forthcoming is Hulu Plus and certain content direct from CBS. Who needs television, anyway? Well, aside from needing one to watch the Boxee content, of course.
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