Attention, laptop-toting members of the global workforce: In an effort to maximize potential productivity to stratospheric levels, new portable computers with 30+ hour battery life will soon be entering the market.
Who to blame? Start with Lenovo. The company unveiled the ThinkPad T420 yesterday, promising that the machine “reaches new battery life benchmarks of up to 30 hours with an extended battery.”
Then feel free to re-direct some or all of your anger at HP, which today one-upped Lenovo with the EliteBook 8460p—a computer that “provides industry-leading battery life of up to 32 hours.”
Alas, the days of conveniently blaming our lack of productivity on dead laptop batteries are quickly drawing to a close. The EliteBook 8460p will start at $999 and be available in mid-March, while the ThinkPad T420 starts at just $779 and will also be available sometime in March. Neither price will scare off corporate purchasing agents. You have been warned.
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