Could you beat the world’s best texters in a race of speed and accuracy? Try your hand…err fingers at the LG Mobile World Cup. Winner gets $50,000 (split from a grand prize of $100,000) and the honor of being known as “the world’s fastest texter.”
You’ll have stiff competition from 13-year-old Briana Hendrickson, co-representative for the U.S. She’s been getting a lot of practice, sending out about 7,000 texts per month. At first her parents were annoyed at her constant stream of messages, but after finding their daughter could make money from her “talent” they proudly supported her – and gladly paid the bills. To see if the U.S. gets the gold, check out the video on For more on the U.S. competition, check out the official LG U.S. National Texting Championship website.
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