Yahoo is reportedly in talks to acquire Flixster, the social movie site that has grown increasingly popular since it acquired Rotten Tomatoes, a movie review aggregator that had been previously acquired by videogame-centric IGN Entertainment, which itself had been acquired by Fox Interactive Media back when . . . ah, to heck with it. This plot is getting too confusing. We give it a 25% rotten rating on the Tomatometer.
According to All Things D’s almost always reliable Kara Swisher, sources said the corporation is in talks to buy Flixster for between $60 million and $90 million. And it’s not just the search engine giant that is interested. Several suitors – possibly including Disney – are also inquiring.
So why the sudden box office crush? Well, the social movie and TV brand could bolster any internet company’s reputation for covering entertainment. And since Flixster has been especially successful propagating its brands across social media and mobile apps, buying the start-up would automatically increase the parent company’s audience.