Golf! Several Totally Serious, Not Dumb Products for Your Perusal

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Swing Tempo Golf Swing Rhythm Metronome: $129.95

A smooth, evenly-paced golf swing is one of the most important aspects of the game. Thankfully, the $130 Swing Tempo Golf Swing Rhythm Metronome can help you get your ideal swing tempo down to a science.


Once you’ve locked in your ideal swing tempo, just fire up the old $130 golf metronome to keep everything in rhythm.

41 B0xw-F1L._SL500_AA300_And if you’re thinking of going the cheap route with this standard $7 digital metronome, DON’T. It doesn’t say “golf” anywhere on it, now does it? And it doesn’t have a belt clip either. Have fun keeping it in your pocket!

The golf metronome also has “lighted LED technology” to help you visualize your “mental swing image.” See those lights that form an arc around the cartoon golfer up there? That’s your swing. Good luck finding a feature like that on a $7 metronome.

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