USB ‘Porn Stick’ Finds Naughty Pics on PCs, Leaves No Trace

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Porn problems around the home or office? I hear that. I. Hear. That.

If you’ve got a sneaking suspicion that a particular computer’s hard drive may be buckling under the weight of thousands of porno-visual images (it’s called—”porno-visual”—right?), then the $100 USB Porn Stick is all you need to see what you’re most afraid (and expect) to see in your heart of hearts.

Forbes took the Porn Stick for a spin and—guess what? It was able to find a single “test image” on the reviewer’s computer. Mm-hmm.

The USB thumb drive plugs into any Windows machine and scours its hard drive for images that the Porn Stick’s software deems porn-y. This is done “using different algorithms that look at things such as flesh tones, shapes, facial recognition, and more,” according to the company, with a false-positive rate of less than one percent.

The Porn Stick doesn’t detect pornographic videos, though, and your kids, spouse and/or employees will certainly point to the following FAQ entry when you confront them about what you found:

The Porn Detection Stick found a handful of pornographic images. Does this mean my kids have been surfing porn?

It is important to realize that even accidental exposure to pornographic images online can leave an image trail on a computer. If you discover only a few pornographic images, it’s not likely the user has been viewing pornography. It is important to use this as a warning to talk with your kids and teach them where they should and should not go on the internet.”

If you’d prefer to walk around with a smug sense of superiority instead, rest assured that the Porn Stick leaves no traces behind once it’s been removed from whichever computer it’s scanning. Sometimes a daily barrage of cold, passive-aggressive comments spread over many decades can be just the thing to dissuade your spouse or children from looking at porn.

(Porn Stick via OhGizmo!)

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