Just to make sure guests aren’t going to be a pain in the royal you know what, Prince William and Kate Middleton will be jamming cellphones in the church when they exchange their vows. Nothing like a Rebecca Black ringtone going off at the moment of “I do.”
The 1,900 people packed inside Westminster Abbey (which will include royals, celebrities and, yes, even the common masses) will be signal-less for the entire duration of the ceremony. Kate and Will don’t want your tweets; they figure everyone else can already watch the whole shebang from YouTube.
How will they be doing it? Well, blocking a cellphone signal is actually pretty simple. Jammers work by transmitting the same radio frequencies as the cellphone, overpowering it by broadcasting at a high enough power. The two signals than collide and cancel each other out, effectively making it impossible to gab to your best girlfriend about what Kate is wearing.
Members of the royal family initially suggested the measure. The last thing the royal couple and television broadcasters want is to have guests checking their phone during the event. Starting early Friday morning to the end of the ceremony, cell phone jammers will be in place. Leave it to the British to show how etiquette is done.
UPDATE! Mashable says, “We’re hearing this morning that both Scotland Yard and the Metropolitan Police are denying that signals will be blocked during the wedding. Apparently, it’s ‘rubbish,’ according to Met police spokesman Eddie Townsend.”
Rubbish. Tweet away!
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