A Gift from Halley’s Comet: Meteor Shower This Friday

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There’s a treat in store for stargazers this coming Friday: a show of meteors from the tail of the most famous comet in the ‘Verse, Halley’s.

The Aquarid meteors should be appearing in the early hours of May 6th. They will appear to be coming from the constellation Aquarius (hence their name).

Right now, Halley’s comet is a long way off – beyond Neptune. It won’t be back to visit Earth properly until 2061. But its “tail” of dust stretches a long way, and on Friday morning will cross paths with Earth’s orbit.

NASA has the following advice for would-be meteor-watchers:

“Remember to pack a reclining chair or an old blanket to lie on, and a thermos of hot coffee would be nice. After all, you’ll be up mighty early! The spring night air may be damp and chill, so bring along another blanket–or better yet, a big furry dog, both for warmth and company. Golden Retrievers work nicely.”

(Via NASA Science News)