The shameless ogling of Playboy bunnies is almost at hand for iPad users.
The word comes straight from Hugh Hefner, who confirmed the news via Twitter: “Playboy will be available on iPad, complete & uncensored, on May 18,” he wrote. What’ll it cost? $8 per month, commitment-free.
But note what’s missing. Hefner avoids the word “app,” just as he did in January, when he first teased the news. Writing to another Twitter user five months ago, Hefner said that “Playboy for iPad will be uncensored,” apparently putting to rest the notion that Playboy would clean up for Apple’s App Store.
As Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs once wrote to Gawker blogger Ryan Tate, the iPad offers “freedom from porn.” Jobs has also lashed out at rival platform Android for letting users get their fill of smut. “There’s a porn store for Android … you can download it, your kids can download it. That’s a place we don’t want to go, so we’re not going to,” he said in April 2010.
To escape the Apple rejection squad, Playboy will have to release an iPad-formatted website. Bondi Digital, the company that’s creating the web app, confirmed in January that its uncensored offering will avoid the App Store route.
Still, the App Store is too lucrative for Playbook to ignore. In January, a Playboy spokeswoman told Fox News that the magazine will also release a censored iPad app for the store. As with Playboy’s existing iPhone app, there will be anger from readers who were expecting, um, a little more.
(via The Next Web)