Picasa and Blogger, as you know them, are biting the dust.
Google is retiring the two services – well, they’re not retiring them so much as renaming them. Yup, say hello to “Google Photos” and “Google Blogs.” Mashable has reported that several other Google services may also get the renaming axe, but YouTube will be immune during this transition period.
(MORE: Take a Gander at Gmail’s New Makeover)
The whole transition will occur “in a month to a month and a half,” according to the site’s sources, and falls around the date when Google will make Google+ public. (That’s right around or before July 31, if you don’t happen to have a handy dandy calendar on you.)
The company has definitely renamed some products before: In 2008, it rebranded JotSpot as Google Sites. The now ever-handy Google Voice was originally created and bought as GrandCentral and was later relaunched as Google Voice in 2009.
And to add some more fuel to the fire, Google is also deleting all private Google Profiles. Why? Well, most likely (and it makes sense that) it would encourage users to join Google+ and, you know, start using those Circles and those privacy options.
(MORE: Resharing Loophole: Is This Google+’s First Privacy Flub?)
One thing’s clear: As long as Google stays clear of names like “It’s Better Than Flickr,” I think we’re okay.
Erica Ho is a reporter at TIME. Find her on Twitter at @ericamho. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.