If Americans can’t have their cake and eat it too, the mobile phone might just be the last thing standing. When I talk about my relationship with my phone, I’m not kidding. Apparently that’s also true for approximately 33% of Americans, who are willing to give up some of the most basic human desires rather than be stripped of their precious iPhone.
A national survey conducted by TeleNav has shown that one in three Americans are completely willing to give up sex for a week (no, not forever) over giving up their phone. Perhaps not surprisingly, the overwhelming majority – 70% – of these respondents were women. Also according to the survey, more people were willing to give up caffeine for a week (55%) than their phone, too.
(MORE: Survey: 35% Will Buy iPhone 5 No Matter What—Will You?)
Twenty-two percent of smartphone users said they were willing to forego seeing their significant other entirely for a week than give up their phone. Another 22% were willing to give up their toothbrushes, and one in five mentioned they were even willing to go shoeless than phoneless for a week. That’s right: shoeless. At least its summer anyways, right?
The survey also turned up a few other interesting tidbits: Smartphone users were three times as likely to judge people based on the type of phone they carry. About half of all smartphone users also thought that the best romantic partners were people who carried the same operating system (iOS, Android, BlackBerry) as they did. Well, let’s see what happens when they’re forced to choose between their phone and significant other.
And no study would be complete without a fancy infographic:
MORE: Study: Fewer than 50% of Smartphone Users Make Calls
(via TeleNav)
Erica Ho is a reporter at TIME. Find her on Twitter at @ericamho and Google+. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.