Members of the AntiSec hacking collective claim they’ve just pulled off their biggest heist-and-post yet, ostensibly dumping 10GB of confidential data purloined from U.S. law enforcement agencies in retaliation for the recent arrests of alleged Anonymous and LulzSec hackers.
Dubbed “Shooting Sherrifs Saturday,” the info-dump reportedly contains “a massive amount of confidential information that is sure to embarass [sic], discredit and incriminate police officers across the US.” According to AntiSec, it includes “hundreds of private email spools, password information, address and social security numbers, credit card numbers, snitch information, training files, and more.”
(LIST: Most Memorable Hacking Moments)
“We hope that not only will dropping this info demonstrate the inherently corrupt nature of law enforcement using their own words, as well as result in possibly humiliation, firings, and possible charges against several officers, but that it will also disrupt and sabotage their ability to communicate and terrorize communities,” wrote AntiSec in a release statement.
The hacker collective says the mass outing of private law enforcement data is in response to recent arrests of its members, including one nicknamed “Topiary,” the alleged spokesperson for LulzSec. The group says the information was lifted during its recent attack on over 70 law enforcement agencies.
It took just 24 hours to hack the law enforcement sites, hosted by Brooks-Jeffrey Marketing servers, brags AntiSec. Worse, not long after AntiSec’s initial attack and data heist, it claims it was able to hack BJM’s replacement servers, allowing it to “[deface] all 70+ domains while their root user was still logged in and active.”
Leave it to these guys to have a laugh—or a ‘lulz’—at someone else’s expense, including literal expenses, vis-a-vis pilfered credit card numbers:
Many lulz have been had as we taunted the sheriffs by responding to their denials by tweeting teasers exposing their SSNs, passwords, addresses, and private emails. We also took the liberty to backdoor their online store and capture a few credit card numbers, which were used to make involuntary donations to the ACLU, the EFF, the Bradley Manning Support Network, and more. Despite active FBI investigations and their additional security measures, they could not stop us from owning their servers, stealing their identities, and dropping all their data.
We’re apparently looking at a hacker group gone wild, striding well beyond the bounds of so-called “hacktivism” and engaging in malicious attacks on individuals with potentially deadly consequences. In the group’s own (imperious) words:
We have no sympathy for any of the officers or informants who may be endangered by the release of their personal information. For too long they have been using and abusing our personal information, spying on us, arresting us, beating us, and thinking that they can get away with oppressing us in secrecy. Well it’s retribution time: we want them to experience just a taste of the kind of misery and suffering they inflict upon us on an everyday basis. Let this serve as a warning to would-be snitches and pigs that your leaders can no longer protect you: give up and turn on your masters now before it’s too late.
Sorry AntiSec, that’s just sophomoric and petty—no lulz for you.
MORE: Alleged LulzSec Teenage Hacker Released on Bail
Matt Peckham is a reporter at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @mattpeckham or on Facebook. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.