See Pictures of Apple’s New ‘Spaceship’ Campus

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Images of the new Apple “mothership” have landed.

Yes, Apple’s upcoming campus is circular. It won’t actually be done until 2015, but meanwhile Cupertino is assaulting the general public with a barrage of wonderfully rendered pictures of what it will look like. It’s probably not a guarantee that everyone will be so beautifully airbrushed in real life or the sunsets will be so breathtaking, but it might not be hard to imagine the campus’ aesthetic appeal.

(VIDEO: Apple Unveils Plans for Incredible Spaceship-style HQ)

The building is supposed to accommodate some 12,000 people over an area of 175 acres, occupying 2.8 million square feet. Amenities include a fitness center, its own power plant, and enough facilities to accommodate Apple’s employees. There will be underground parking as well.

(MORE: Google Expands Its Offices Across Highway 101)

Apple headquarter-based employees still have approximately four years until the new building is ready. Until then, they’ll have to feast their eyes on these pictures of the new offices.

Apple Campus 2 []

Erica Ho is a reporter at TIME. Find her on Twitter at @ericamho and Google+. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.