Android owners, strap yourselves in! (Especially if you’re a fan of artificially-applied Lomo filters!)
Instagram, that wildly popular iPhone photosharing app that’s now been downloaded over eight million times, will in fact be coming to Android-powered devices, as confirmed by the company’s CEO in an interview with The Guardian.
(MORE: Facebook Adding Instagram-like Photo Filters)
But when exactly? That much isn’t clear. Here’s what Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom had to say:
“‘It’s hugely important to us, but we’re only six people,’ he says. ‘Android is a major priority for us, but first we have to build the team, and find the best people in the world to work on these projects.’ The company is currently hiring engineers and designers to help it move more quickly on all three of these aims.”
So…they haven’t even built a team yet. Right. (On the bright side, I guess they’re hiring?)
Instagram’s seen tremendous growth in the past year as early adopting celebrities jump aboard, typically taking droves of their online followers with them. It certainly helps, too, when one of those celebrities happens to be named Justin Bieber.
Head over to the The Guardian to read more. There, Systrom outlines why he’s not afraid of Facebook’s coming photo filters (“We use asymmetric follows like Twitter, which is a really big differentiating point,”) and what kind of stuff the company has on the horizon as brands like Playboy, Gucci and National Geographic are all making their presence felt on the service. Plus, they’re working on a Web client, so you’ll be able to get in on the action and see what your friends are doing from your desktop.
What’s that? A Techland Instagram account, you say? Some cutting-edge, behind the scenes tech blogging action?
Maybe, but only if you’re into things like, uh, boredom…or being tragically underwhelmed.
LIST: The 10 Best Photos Apps For the iPhone
Chris Gayomali is a reporter at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @chrigz, on Facebook, or on Google+. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.