Netflix seems to be having an official Worst Month Ever, what with price increases leading to customer uproar and Starz refusing to resign an all-important content sharing contract, and so the news that Dish Network is gearing up to launch a Blockbuster streaming-video service almost adds insult to injury.
According to sources, the new Blockbuster streaming service will mirror Netflix’s successful Watch Instantly service, with a monthly subscription fee allowing subscribers access to streaming content from multiple studios and suppliers—including, it’s rumored, Starz.
(MORE: Mad About Netflix Prices? Here Are Some Alternative Services)
This is the third potential “Netflix Killer” to be seriously discussed in recent days. Amazon is said to be considering launching its European property Lovefilm in the U.S. to fill the same niche as Dish’s Blockbuster plans, and the potential sale of Hulu has attracted multiple online presences who believe it can be turned into something much larger…and more profitable.
Dish, which bought Blockbuster in April after the latter company declared bankruptcy, has declined to comment on any plans it may have for transforming the video store chain into a new Netflix (Netflix spokesman Steve Swasey commented that his company “leads a big, growing market, and big, growing markets always attract competition”). This won’t be Blockbuster’s first move into a digital space; the company currently offers the non-subscription Blockbuster On Demand streaming service, as well as an option to buy movies.
MORE: Blockbuster Wants You Back, Lowers Prices
Graeme McMillan is a reporter at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @Graemem or on Facebook at Facebook/Graeme.McMillan. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.