Games retail giant GameStop’s days are either numbered or nascent, depending on whether you see brick and mortar retail as a digital-proof future presence. Well GameStop’s not waiting around to find out. They’re the largest dedicated video games retailer in the country, they’ve cornered the used games market, plus they’ve presciently grabbed arguably the best and brightest digital storefront technology, Stardock’s Impulse, to compete with Valve’s Steam.
And now, 9to5Mac reports, they’re plotting to add iPads, iPhones and iPods to their thousands of storefronts.
(MORE: GameStop Mulls a Tablet, Will Soon Buy Yours)
What’s more, they’re planning to let you trade in used iOS devices for store credit. That’s right. The screen grab 9to5Mac‘s touting reads: “We Buy your old iPod, iPhone or iPad.”
And that’s followed by:
Did you know that GameStop now buys your old iPod, iPhone and iPad devices? Trade them in at GameStop for in-store credit. Perfect for trading toward games, accessories, systems and more. Bring in your old iPod or iPad and a Game Advisor can assist you. Plus, you’ll score PowerUp Rewards points on every item traded.
GameStop apparently unveiled the program at a trade show in Las Vegas last week. The iOS device trade-in program’s available now, says 9to5Mac, while sales of iOS devices are due to begin at some future point, possibly to coincide with the next iPhone’s stateside launch, rumored sometime in October. I just called my local store (in Michigan) and they confirm the report is accurate, but that only some stores have been authorized to run the program, with plans to eventually roll the program out to everyone.
What GameStop plans to do with all that used, increasingly dated Apple gear is anyone’s guess, as is which Apple devices they’ll actually take. Something tells me the original 2G iPhone’s probably not on the list.
MORE: GameStop Appears to Be Building a Streaming Gaming Platform for Android
Matt Peckham is a reporter at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @mattpeckham or on Facebook. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.