Twitter Reveals Active User Number, How Many Actually Say Something

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100,000,000. That’s Twitter’s magic user number, apparently.

Twitter has finally revealed how many people actively use its microblogging service worldwide, and it’s significantly higher than the 21 million estimated by Business Insider earlier this year. According to CEO Dick Costolo, Twitter has 100 million active users currently, though not all of them are saying anything.

(MORE: How Many People Actually Use Twitter? Good Question)

Costolo’s presentation in fact provides all sorts of fascinating details about who’s using the micro-blogging service as well as how. For example, the 100 million active number is only half the number of registered accounts with the service, and of that 100 million, almost 40% log in merely to see what other people are saying. More than 50 million users log in each day, and the daily average number of tweets is in the realm of 230 million—up 110% since January.

What’s more, over 55% of Twitter’s active users access the service via mobile devices, though direct traffic to is up 70% since January, topping 400 million monthly unique visitors.

Sadly not revealed: what percentage of the 100 million active users were actually spambots with names made up of random letters who just want to tell you how to win an iPhone (or who knows what else). Perhaps we’ll get that from the next major info-dump, Twitter?

MORE: Report: 92% of Newt Gingrich’s Twitter Followers Aren’t Real

Graeme McMillan is a reporter at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @Graemem or on Facebook at Facebook/Graeme.McMillan. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.