Years Active: 2001 – 2008
Remember Morpheus? When Napster began losing momentum many users made the switch over to the shinier (and newer) service in town. Like Napster, however, Morpheus died a slow death after the emergence of Kazaa in 2002 and a steady diet of legal issues, most notably in the 2005 case MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd. (who along with Streamcast created Morpheus). In what turned out to be a landmark decision for all P2P sharing sites, it was ruled that Grokster would be held accountable for third-party infringement, i.e. the illegal downloads of all its users.
Where Are They Now?
In 2008 Streamcast filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and the official website is no longer online (you can, however, download the client from elsewhere).
MORE: Filesharing Lawsuits: Expensive, but Not Unconstitutionally So