Net Neutrality Proponents Sued by Net Neutrality Proponents?

The folks who just officiated over net neutrality Internet regulations, the Federal Communications Commission, are being sued by—yep, the folks who fought to make net neutrality happen. Net neutrality’s advocates suing net neutrality’s enforcers?

True story. The FCC just last week rolled out the final version of its network …

WATCH: Is This Google Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich?

It’s time for Google Android’s next major software update, and there’s a tantalizing video to hold us over until it actually arrives. Anyone care for an Ice Cream Sandwich?

Engadget got their hands on a video featuring the next possible iteration of the Android software, which was sent in by one of their tipsters. According to …

Could Amazon’s Kindle Fire Dethrone Apple’s iPad?

Whatever the pundits want to say about Amazon’s new Kindle Fire, however much they want to throttle each other for letting slip trite, presumptive clichés like “iPad killer,” they have to admit, Amazon basically painted crosshairs on Cupertino’s back when it unveiled a $200 color Android tablet at today’s press event—a tablet that’ll …

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