
Get Ready for June 11, iPhone and iPad Owners

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Scott Forstall introduces iOS 4 at WWDC on June 4 2011

This may be a minority viewpoint — in fact, I’m positive it’s a minority viewpoint — but I get far more excited about new versions of Apple’s iOS than I do about new iPhones and iPads. There’s only so much Apple can do to reinvent hardware that will always consist of thin slabs of glass and metal, but the potential to improve iOS is infinite.

So I’m excited about the company’s Worldwide Developer Conference, or WWDC for short. The company announced that it was holding the 2012 edition starting on June 11 in San Francisco this morning — presumably kicking off with a big keynote with lots of news — less than two hours later, the event sold out.

Apple’s WWDC site doesn’t explicitly say that it will be unveiling iOS 6 at the conference, but it seems like a good bet. With only six weeks to go until WWDC, the company surely isn’t going to hold another event to introduce the new version. And it needs to give developers the details and distribute beta versions so that the software is ready for the release of the new iPhone later this year.

(At least I’m assuming that when the the new iPhone shows up, it’ll be running a new version of iOS.)

At some point between now and June 11, I’ll share more thoughts about what I’d like to see in the new version of iOS — most of which involve making the iPad into an even more remarkable personal-computing device. But if you’ve got an iOS wish list of your own, I’d love to hear it right now in the comments.