Apple has massively overhauled iTunes. The newest version, iTunes 11, is now available for download. I haven’t spent a ton of meaningful time with it so far, except to make the following observations:
- It didn’t make me restart my computer after being installed. (+1)
- It didn’t make my computer sound like a Boeing 757 during takeoff. (+1)
- It did (still) make my computer sound like a motorcycle with a sidecar traveling along a dirt road for 20 minutes while it downloaded all my recent purchases. (-1)
- It did (still) make me wish this could all just be web-based instead of a program I have to install on all my computers. (-1)
- Everything looks nicer. (+1)
- The “Up Next” feature is cool. You can set all your music to shuffle, for instance, and it’ll show you which tracks are next in line. You can drag a track in there to hear it next or remove upcoming tracks to skip them. (+1)
- I forgot that I own the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack (+Interesting)
The program seems to run considerably more smoothly than previous versions, so that’s a big plus. Here’s a list of the new features if you’re interested.
iTunes [Apple]