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If you think about it, all you really need to charge your iPhone is the USB port of a computer, the charging port of the iPhone and something to connect the two. If you have easy access to a computer all day but don’t want to carry your iPhone’s charging cable around with you, this little doodad – called the Kii – might do the trick.

Like its name suggests, the Kii fits on your keychain. Unlike the little metal things that unlock your various doors, however, this gadget is a tiny charger that connects your iPhone to your computer’s USB port, snapping away from the base that sits on your keyring when you need to use it.
There are two versions available: one with the newest Lightning connector that’s compatible with the latest generation iPhone, iPads and iPods for $40, and one that’s compatible with previous generation iPhones’ and iPods’ 30-pin connector for $20.
Kii: Empowering your keychain [Bluelounge via OhGizmo!]