Pandora Does the Hokey Pokey, Turns Itself Around to Remove 40-Hour Mobile Listening Limit

The days of Pandora's 40-hour monthly listening limits appear to be behind us.

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The title of this article makes little to no sense. I’ll own that.

In my head, it’s like: Pandora had a 40-hour listening limit for the desktop version; now it doesn’t. It had a 40-hour listening limit for the mobile version; now it doesn’t. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around… *clap* …That’s what it’s all about.

See, the 40-hour listening limits are Pandora’s appendages, which were put in and then taken out. In this case, they’re hopefully not going to be put back in sometime in the future because we’re at the point where neither the desktop nor the mobile versions of Pandora have listening limits.

To conclude: As of September 1, the free version of Pandora’s mobile app will no longer have a 40-hour monthly listening limit, as reported by TechCrunch’s Anthony Ha, who goes on to quote Pandora’s CFO as saying the company’s found other “surgical techniques,” such as skip limits, to be far more effective than a “blunt tool” like the 40-hour cap.

Pandora Plans To Lift Its 40-Hour Free Mobile Listening Cap On Sept. 1 [TechCrunch]