This Locking Cookie Jar Has a Timer to Save You from Yourself

You have only yourself to blame if it gets smashed to pieces. Or your kids. Or your spouse.

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Kitchen Safe

This is the Kitchen Safe. It’s a $40 cookie jar of sorts with a time lock on it that prevents you from opening it until a point in the future you specify.

The company also suggests that you can put game controllers or money in there, but you and I both see that the true power of this item lies in its ability to stop you from eating an entire bag of Pepperidge Farm Sausalitos while you watch Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken with tears streaming down your face. Just because a movie is rated G doesn’t mean it won’t tear you apart inside.

Anyway, the Kitchen Safe is $40 and brilliant. You have only yourself to blame if it gets smashed to pieces. Or your kids. Or your spouse.


The Kitchen Safe []