Just once, it might be nice to play a big, boisterous, ballsy triple-A shooter where you’re the alien species fending off multitudes of stubborn shoot-first humans. That, given so much of human history, might be a trifle more interesting, enlightening and honest.
Instead, we’ll have to settle for “Defend our home. Defeat our enemies. Become Legend.” That’s Bungie lionizing its upcoming post-Halo sci-fi shooter, Destiny, coming next year for Sony and Microsoft’s current and next-gen consoles. In it, you’ll play as one of three humanoid races fending off multitudes of murderous aliens, the twist being Bungie’s hybrid single-player/multi-player system and dynamic matchmaking framework designed to set you interacting only with other players who align with matchmaking filters.
To get things started, the company just released a new gameplay trailer and promised early beta access to anyone who pre-orders the game now. First-play when? Next spring, says Bungie, and on all of the following: PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One:
Destiny Beta Redemption Codes are only available while supplies last. To see a list of participating global retailers, fans can visit http://www.destinythegame.com/wheretobuy. Upon pre-ordering the game at a participating retailer, fans can visit http://bungie.net/beta and follow the instructions on the page to secure their spot in the Beta. The required 9-digit entry code will be printed on their receipt, on a flyer distributed at time of purchase or sent via email through their respective retail rewards program. Fans that pre-ordered before October 1st 2013 and qualify for this offer are automatically entered into the Beta and will receive their entry code from their retailer via email. All questions or concerns related to the Beta code should be brought to the attention of the retailer.
Here’s the new gameplay trailer, titled “The Moon.” You’re getting a look at one of the game’s major destinations, as well as one of the game’s four enemy races.