Microsoft Reportedly Mulling Google Glass Competitor

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The Wall Street Journal reports that Microsoft is testing high-tech glasses just in case this whole Google Glass thing takes off.

The report comes from unnamed “people familiar with the matter” and merely contends that Microsoft is testing out various prototypes. An actual product might not happen anytime soon, if at all, in other words, but it appears that Microsoft wants to keep on its toes when it comes to the next wave of wearable technology.

According to the article:

Microsoft is “determined to take the lead in hardware manufacturing to make sure the company won’t miss out on the opportunities in the wearable gadget market,” the person said.

Rumors of a Microsoft smartwatch surfaced back in April, but nothing has surfaced yet despite competing products from Samsung, Sony and others. Google Glass is rumored for a 2014 consumer launch.

Microsoft Tests Eyewear to Rival Google Glass []